Aniblog Tourney 2012 – Introduction Commentary

The second aniblog tourney, will begin on April 15th. All the blogs will be pitched against each other and readers will vote for their favorite blog.

I was nominated for the tourney, and it felt awesome. When I started writing this blog, I didn’t know whether or not people will even read my blog, let alone comments. One way or the other, I managed to drag in some commenters here and there and a little after that, I was sent an e-mail, notifying me that my blog was nominated for the tourney. It is really awesome, it feels like I really AM part of the ani-blogging community, unlike half a year ago, where I was still troubling whether or not my blog would even be acknowledged. Funny thing is, I didn’t even knew the tourney existed.

The brackets for the tourney

Honestly, I don’t mind whether or not I win or lose. The tourney is a good way to discover even other awesome blogs out there. My first opponent for example, Kuro and his blog, Kansatsu~観察~, is a great blog featuring anime/game topics, editorials and so on.

Anyway, I want to say to all the participants, good luck and of cause, have fun :D I’m in the green bracket fyi, I better get ready to get my ass handed down by psgels… wait.. I don’t think I can even reach that far. Oh well, I’m a masochist, I like getting pwned anyway.

This entry was posted by Kai.

59 thoughts on “Aniblog Tourney 2012 – Introduction Commentary

  1. You’ll make it past the first round, you can count on that.

    And if Okazu doesn’t notify its readers of its participation in the Tourney…well, you might just clinch that one too!

  2. I think most people have doubts about their own skills when it comes to games like this. I know I’m feeling nervous and doubtful, but everyone has told me I’m better than I think. You seem to be in the same boat, so let me just say I have confidence you’ll do well. Even when you’re against psgels, you’ll still have all our votes.

  3. Pingback: Aniblog Tourney 2012 « The G-Empire

  4. Kai, I can say this, I’ve stumbled upon quite a few blogs and I don’t usually follow those I’m not familiar with but your blog stood out from the rest and I actually started following it. I love your content and this blog so stay strong! Keep up the great effort Kai! You’ve definitely got my vote here! xD

    I’m in the red bracket facing against CSW… D:

    • That sure would boast my currently severly lack of confidence. Thanks! :D

      Ooh, never heard of that blog. I guess I should check it out soon. Another new aniblog I can read frequently in my bookmarks :D

  5. I’ve been working through all the blogs in this tourney trying to out-social a blog with “Anti-Social” in its title. I’m actually impressed by what I see here. As for worrying about psgels and his 82.5/100s, losing to them is the same as winning. Just do the best you can and hope for the best.

    • Then I guess most blogs on the tourney are actually “socialable”, lol, which isn’t surprising since the tourney staffs is selective of the active ones. Right, and I will, thanks^^

      • I know most of the tourney staff actually. It’s a pretty fair draw though they did say I was probably the most unfortunate of anyone. Most of the blogs were picked through aggregators like Anime Nano. Actual activity didn’t play that much unless they aren’t on an aggregator.

          • The aggregator thing was just the first level. Then it went down to activity. The 4 month thing was probably because they only started gathering blogs to select in December.

            • But they are seeing activity in some way in a broad sense, just more secondary? It’s good thing I register myself in anime nano though, there was quite a long time I didn’t register there, lol.

  6. Pingback: Aniblog Tourney 2012 – Round 2 « deluscar

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